Refreshment courses are short courses reviewing or updating previous studies. We can organize the refreshment courses upon request of the student anytime of the year. In addition to that, we will announce refreshment packages at special times of the year for example just before the new school year/term begins.
In order to attend a refreshment course, you do not need to be a regular student of Sums and Times. New students are welcomed for these courses.
What is the content?
The content is entirely tentative as it depends on the individual student. The aim is to remind the former topics and make preparation for the new and related topics. So, we will give intuition why the particular topic is important and in which ways the student will see this topic in near future.
To give an idea about the course, you can read the example below:
If a Year 12 A-level student asks for a refreshment course on differentiation to be prepared for the new year, the content will consist of the gradient, finding the line equation, relationship between tangent and normal lines, the limit definition of derivative, the derivative formula, derivative of trigonometric functions, second order derivatives, integration and basic principles of Year 13 content related to differentiation.
Another example of one-off package is Mathematical English Course.